Your privacy is very important to me. here are some answers to common privacy inquiries:

Q: Can my counselling information be disclosed?

A: I can only discuss you and your personal or counselling information with someone else if you have given your express and written consent. Consent must be given while you have the capacity to do so and under no duress.

Q: Are there situations that cannot be kept confidential?

A: Yes, there are some situations in which I must report your counselling or personal information. These include:

  • If you disclose that you know of or engage(d) in neglect or abuse of anyone under the age of 18.

  • If you indicate through your statements or behaviour that you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else.

  • If you report that you have been abused by a regulated health care professional.

  • If you report that you know of someone over the age of 65 being neglected or abused in a long-term care or retirement facility.

  • In the event you become incapacitated, ill, or injured and cannot consent, but emergency intervention is required.

  • In the event that your therapy documents or information are subpoenaed or required for legal purposes.

  • If the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario requires information regarding a client concern or complaint.

Q: What kind of records are kept about me?

A: Therapist notes pertaining to your sessions and treatment plan, some personal information, consultation and referral records, all exercises completed, all forms submitted, all screeners or assessments administered, records of incident or emergency, records of relevant non-therapy contact, and copies of receipts or invoices for clinical service are kept in your personal or group therapy files. Your paper and electronic files are kept and secured for 10 years after your last session date.

Q: What is personal information?

A: Personal information is any information that identifies you. Personal information does not necessarily include your name but may include information regarding your personal details (e.g. name, home address, age), your health record (e.g. diagnoses, treatment history, family history), or your life and views (e.g. religion, employment, comments). Information that does not allow you to be identified is not considered personal information.

Q: How is my counselling and personal information used?

A: I collect, use, or disclose your personal information for the co-ordination and provision of psychotherapy. Your counselling and personal information is used for treatment planning, for administration/interpretation of some screeners and/or assessments, for consultation or advocacy, for making referrals, for tracking progress, for my supervision purposes, for maintaining and providing records of service, to invoice for unpaid service, if you otherwise request and consent to the release of your information, and in the legally binding situations listed above. Aside from rare emergency situations, I will obtain your consent before using or disclosing your personal information in any other manner.


My website is powered through Squarespace. The Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for Squarespace can be found:

jane clinic management software

I use Jane Clinic Management Software to perform electronic processes in my practice. The Privacy Policy for Jane can be found:


My website uses “cookies” to track information from its visitors. Cookies are small text files that identify the visitor’s browser with a unique ID number when they access my site. Cookies give information about the visitor but do not necessarily identify the visitor. This is information such as number, dates, and duration of visits (site and pages), operating systems and internet browsers used, and source websites/apps (e.g. Google, Instagram, Facebook). Visitors may update their settings to receive notifications of cookies or to disable cookies. However, if cookies are disabled some features of my website may become unavailable.


My website contains links to other websites and social media account(s) which have independent privacy policies. Miriam Miller Psychotherapy is not responsible for privacy concerns regarding other websites.

Q: How is my counselling information used for supervision?

A: I have satisfied the supervision requirements of the CRPO and am authorized for independent practice. However, I may seek occasional supervision from a very experienced psychotherapist, as needed. I also engage in regular peer consultation as a registration requirement. It is possible details of your sessions may come up in one of these contexts. I use de-identified information wherever possible and all individuals involved are registered psychotherapists/social workers who are bound by professional confidentiality obligations.

Q: How are my records protected?

 A: Your electronic counselling file including personal information and counselling information is stored in the Jane Clinic Management system. Jane is a reliable telehealth platform which is compliant with relevant national and provincial privacy legislation. Jane protects your information with physical and technological safeguards including end-to-end encryption. Additionally, my devices are password protected, your files are either under supervision or securely locked, and unnecessary paper documents are shredded.

Q: How secure is therapy related internet communication?

A: Absolute privacy can never be guaranteed for internet communication. However, I do take measures to protect your private information.  A secure email address is used and linked to my CONTACT page. Emails and all devices are also password protected. It is good practice to use a secure email address when contacting me and only for making arrangements and sharing general information, but not for discussing sensitive therapy material.  

Q: Can I see my counselling file?

A: In most cases, yes. You have the right to view documents in your own counselling file with my supervision. You may make copies of documents in your file, but you may not remove or destroy anything from your file. If you choose to make copies of sensitive counselling documents, you are responsible for protecting your recorded private information.

In some cases, I may instead choose to provide a summary of information from your file, in language that is most useful to you.

Q: What if my privacy is breached?

A: In the event that your privacy is breached, I will inform you as soon as possible and take measures to minimize the associated harm. This is done in accordance with PHIPA, Ontario’s legislation on protecting your personal information.  If the breach is not repaired to your satisfaction, guidance for making a formal complaint will be available upon request.

Further questions?

Please contact the privacy officer by email: or phone: (905) 651-8337

please note

Miriam Miller Psychotherapy reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. The website and policy documents will be updated as soon as possible. Required information is only collected, used, or disclosed in accordance with relevant privacy law and professional college regulations. Necessary consent will be obtained if information is to be used in a manner (collected, used, disclosed) for which consent has not yet been given. Except, where required by law to submit documents or report information pertaining to the practice of psychotherapy. Miriam Miller Psychotherapy is a sole proprietorship and consists of one Registered Psychotherapist.

If you are not satisfied with my Privacy Policy, you may choose to report this by contacting:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

30 Victoria Street

Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3

Telephone: 1-800-282-1376

Updated: May 26, 2024